U.S. Supreme Court



Supreme Court Cases on Affirmative ActionCato Institute

The George Washington University Law Forum
Sept 24, 2012

The George Washington University held a forum to discuss the affirmative action case of Fisher v. University of Texas which is currently before the Supreme Court. The Court is examining efforts made by higher education institutions to improve diversity through race-conscious admissions policies for the first time since it considered two cases from the University of Michigan in 2003. Mr. Jaffe appears after the introductions at 8:25.

1 hour, 41 minutes

Video Links




America and Race: The Status of Affirmative Action Under the U.S. Constitution

The Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics

The University of Kansas

Oct 2, 2012




Obama Briefs

Obamacare in Briefs: Amicus Writers
Preview the Key Questions

The Heritage Foundation

March 20, 2012





Looking AheadThe Supreme Court: Past and Prologue
Panel IV: Looking Ahead October Term 2010

Cato Institute | Audio

Sept 16, 2010





federalist video Election Through Litagation Election Through Litigation Law Conference

Free Speech and Election Law Practice Group

The Federalist Society

Oct 10, 2008





Constitution Restored

The Supreme Court: Past and Present
Panel I: The Constitution Restored? Revisiting the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments |
Cato Institute | Sept 17, 2008





Federalist video Reporters' Shield

Free Speech and Election Law Practice Group

The Federalist Society | Audio
April 29, 2008





Right to Life

The Supreme Court: Past and Present
Panel III: Speech and Conscience:
FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life

Cato Institute | Sept 17, 2007 | Audio





federalist society 1.07

Limits on the Use of Union Dues

Labor and Employment Practice Group

The Federalist Society

Jan 10, 2007



Cato 2006

The Supreme Court: Past and Present
Panel IV: Looking Forward:
The October 2006 Term

Cato Institute | Sept 14, 2006 | Audio




cato 7.03

The Supreme Court: An End of Term Review

Cato Institute

Jul 2, 2003






Supreme Court midterm

The Supreme Court: Past and Prologue
Panel II: Civil Rights in the October 2003
Term: Freedom of Conscience, Religious
Liberty, and State Power

Cato Institute | Sept 17, 2004




dairy trade 7.02

Agricultural Promotion Programs

Dairy Trade Coalition
C-Span Video

Jul 22, 2002






Ads for Reduced-Risk Tobacco: Public
Scourge or Protected Speech?

Cato Institute | July 16, 2002 | Audio |